You have a company and want to strengthen your online presence? Do you want to optimize your visibility on the web and generate more revenue from a wider and international audience? If so, you need a website !

Designing and setting up your own website can resemble the struggle course. Which CMS/framework and design will make your site stand out? How to add plugins and applications customized according to your needs? What digital strategy to adopt to be better referenced on search engines such as Google?

I want to create my website!

Moreover, if you have outsourced the creation of your e-commerce site to a web agency. And the hosting and maintenance of the website to other IT service providers. You therefore have 2 to 3 external service providers. . 

But in case of any problems, who will be responsible in case of site failure, performance or security problems? What will be the procedure to solve the problem involving all these actors? And how long will it take? 

Entrust the development, hosting and maintenance of your website to a single information and communication technology provider. A 360° web agency allows you to avoid asking yourself all these questions and save you money!

Why outsource your web hosting?

After developing your website, you will need a reliable and high-performance web hosting solution. A service that you can trust and that offers a good price/quality ratio. Many people don't pay attention to this, as hosting is the basis on which most online platforms are built. Whether you are a TPE, a SME, an ETI or a large company, wouldn't you want the best web hosting for your needs?

Outsourcing of IT systems and data hosting has become commonplace for more and more companies. Indeed, the outsourcing market in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) grew by 10% in 2019 compared to 2018 (IT ISG studies). This solution provides specialists with modern, highly secure and high-performance data centres.

If you have access to all this infrastructure and knowledge to ensure the proper functioning of your website, you are lucky!  Because for many companies the cost of technology can become a barrier to their development. 

In addition, the market offers different types of accommodation:

Web Hosting Types

Now that you have understood the importance of hosting and perhaps even found a home for your site, you now need to maintain it. And this on a daily basis!

Why use the services of the TMA?

As a successful company, you are constantly growing. And you don't necessarily have time to take care of your computer system. Yet your system must also be up to date to keep up with your evolution in order to best meet your new needs. 

Or in a worst case scenario, you have not made the necessary updates to your e-commerce site. This makes you vulnerable to cyber attacks and your customers' data is no longer safe. This is your business paralyzed and discredited. Your customers boycott your site and the money doesn't come in. And it's going to cost you a lot of money to get your head out of the water! 

To avoid this "doom" scenario and to favour the growth of your company, there are today agencies specialized in computer maintenance. This service is more commonly known as Third Party Application Maintenance (TAM).

A TMA contract is a maintenance service for your business applications (software). In order to ensure the smooth running of your business throughout your activity, you can entrust all or part of the maintenance of your systems and applications to a third party IT service provider.

The role of this provider is to:

  • Prevent future malfunctions
  • Fixing bugs
  • Make the different extensions evolve according to the needs
  • Reinforce the security of the platform
  • Optimize the website
  • Enforce the new provisions of the security policy

Why call upon an agency for its ready-to-go site?

You follow the logic ... Imagine, the loading of your website has drastically slowed down, impacting your SEO strategy and user experience. Your hosting provider tells you that the problem comes from the source code or your PHP application, and therefore from your maintenance provider. Similarly, the TMA returns the ball by pointing out that it comes from the hosting server. And meanwhile, your source of income is again paralyzed.. 

This is a scenario that unfortunately happens to many companies. But it could be avoided, if from the beginning all the steps of the website implementation are carried out by a single service provider. 

A single agency is the guarantee of peace of mind and responsiveness at all times:

  • Better response to the expectations of your users with a tailor-made website (ergonomics, functionalities, etc...)
  • Better knowledge of your application park (updates, evolution, etc ...)
  • Better control of risks (operational, security ...)
  • Better optimization of your skills and resources (cost control, availability of your internal team, etc...)

Need more information on turnkey offers? Take a look at articles such as  "Developing Drupal site-to-site factories" and "6 reasons to outsource your digital transformation".

And if you are looking for an agency that masters the phases of BUILD, RUN and the HOSTING,

Contact Us

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