What is OWASP? Computer flaws explained

Computer vulnerabilities affect all businesses, which can be harmed in terms of both physical and software assets. Tracking down these security breaches must be a continuous process that requires not only the deployment of enough human resources, but also, and most importantly, the deployment of adequate tools. Many resources are available, such as OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project), a platform dedicated solely to this topic.

What are all the flaws in the computer?

To break into a company, cyber criminals use three main entrance points:

  • Physical hardware linked to the network;
  • Software equipment
  • Multiple tiny physical and software breaches, discovered using a filtering system;


How are computer breaches caused?

There are five types of computer dangers that are frequently mentioned:

  • Existing vulnerabilities that haven't been patched;
  • Errors made by humans;
  • Malicious software (malware) is present;
  • Internal training and best practice knowledge are lacking;
  • Data storage hardware theft (USB key, hard drive, etc.).


How do computer attacks occur?

Data theft and weak credentials are two areas where the great majority of firms that experience data breaches need to improve security. To accomplish so, they must close the gaps in order to avoid the most common attacks:

The so-called "man-in-the-middle" attack : the hacker passes through the computer system of a third party to the company, for example, by taking advantage of a client's connection to the said company's network or by hiding behind its IP address.

DoS and DDoS attacks : the former overloads the network or a service until it can no longer handle the load, while the latter consists of diverting devices to send traffic from multiple sources in order to divert attention.

Phishing and spear phishing : This involves sending an official-looking email that invites the recipient to click on a link, download an attachment containing malware or requesting sensitive information. In the case of spear phishing, the e-mail is truly personalized!

Password attacks : a single password for several accounts, passwords that are too simple, attract hackers!

The eavesdropping attack : the hacker intercepts the data sent and received on the network.

The XXS or cross-site scripting attack : the hacker tries to introduce malicious scripts into the codes of websites or applications.

Malware : it comes in several forms, the polymorphic virus, the system infection or boot record, the Trojan horse or Trojan, the file infection, the macro virus, the stealth virus, the logic bombs, the ransomware (ransom demand).

How do you prevent computer failures?

Internally, as well as with customers and other external parties, a company's IT security is everyone's concern. Several appropriate procedures must be done in order to seal it, consolidate it, and keep it:

  • Defining numerous user roles with different levels of access to internal systems to limit data access.
  • Professional quality IT audits and regular re-evaluations;
  • Proper training of personnel in data security best practices ;
  • Optimization of overall security through the use of appropriate tools.


What actions may be taken to improve the company's IT security? Parmi les pourvoyeurs de solutions concrètes, citons OWASP, a non-profit organization created in 2004, is one of the providers of concrete solutions. Thousands of active people create and make freely available resources such as IT security software, techniques, training, documentation, and so on, all without the use of commercial banners.

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failles informatiques